Tuesday 1 August 2017

Game of Thrones S7 Ep 3

H'okay. Time to join the ranks of people reacting to Game of Thrones, whose numbers by now must surely outweigh the ranks of the Unsullied, the White Walkers and Dothraki combined.

My husband asked me to re-watch the previous season before this season started and we never got around to it. Yeah, there are some things I don't remember as well and I probably could have stood to watch it again but it's not the kind of television that I CAN go back and re-watch.

Yes, it's entertaining. Yes, it's enthralling. No, it's not something I can put myself through again time after time. I usually am the kind of person that can comfortably sit down and watch my favourite shows over and over until I can recite them verbatim but most of my favourite shows don't leave me exhausted and deprived of a soul.

So what happened in this episode? I warn you about reading on if you have yet to watch it..

Breaker of chains, mother of dragons, the unburnt etc. etc. Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen meets King of the North Jon Snow.

Honestly there was so much hype and titles being thrown around in that throne room that when Ser Davos simply said 'This is Jon Snow' I just about rolled around on the carpet laughing.

Apart from that there was little to no joy in the long awaited Fire/Ice meeting - Daenerys just seemed to ooze the essence of Cersei instead of being her usual awesome self. She was obsessed with ruling the seven kingdoms, getting Jon on his knees and ignoring whatever he had to say in the conversation.

It made me wonder if they had actually had anyone read the script out loud before shooting because it was like two different people wrote it, and they never spoke to each other about it or even penned it in the same room.

So much emphasis on history and so much emphasis on how one can't be held responsible for an ancestors muck ups, but wanting others to be held accountable for oaths sworn by their ancestors.

Jon was played about right - he has no love for politics and was adorkably awkward in there.
Tyrion had the best lines of course, even if he did come off as a bit aggressive in the throne room also.

Queen of Thorns Olenna Tyrell meets her end in this episode - which means she's leaving some damn impressive shoes to fill. She was one of my favourite characters because she was one of the most ruthless people in the game, but also human enough to be a good influence on her grandchildren, accepting of 'faults' that other folks in society would not allow and kind enough to not be a dick to Sansa when she was at her lowest. Her way with words was incredible and her wit was sharp as a tack. She also killed Joffrey, so that's a plus as well. Not just because he was a horrible character, but so that her beloved granddaughter wouldn't have to marry an absolute turd-burger.

Part of me was hoping she would have poisoned the drink in her chamber so Jaime would also get taken out. Turns out he didn't even drink, despite pouring two glasses. Nothing against Jaime, I quite like his incestuous bastard of a character these days because he seems to have a shred of sanity about him - but because it would be a blow to Cersei.

The audience knows Olenna was the one who poisoned Joffrey but Jaime didn't. He wasn't as shocked as I would have thought.. he was more offended when Olenna called Cersei a monster.
Jaime refuted this but I mean, come on. How can he not see this?

 Several fans are already pointing to Cersei becoming the new mad king. The Mad King threatening to release wildfire was the reason Jaime stabbed him in the first place - and now his sister has just done the deed herself and caused the death of their last surviving child as a result.

Cersei is not slowing her roll - she's just allowed the weirdest pirate since Jack Sparrow to run rampant on the seas, in turn letting her get revenge on the Sand Snakes and Ellaria who got revenge earlier for something they did and that was revenge for something else someone else did..
There's so much revenge and back stabbing in this show it's like watching Empire but you need a gosh darned butcher paper pad to link them all together.

For all the emphasis they put on battles - we didn't really get to see any. Is this a cock up by the show runners? Are they being super meta and pointing out that the battles themselves don't matter, but more who is moving the chess pieces? I don't know but I'm personally more concerned about Yara.

Also Sansa. Sansa - who has demonstrated a lot more maturity and foresight than she was allowed to before - is finally standing up for herself and has been crowned leader of the North until Jon gets back. When Bran - the side lined I mean, three eyed raven appears she just wants to toss the imaginary crown at his feet on the sole basis that he's the eldest (living) blood heir of their father.
And he's a boy. She can't do it, she's just a girl!

The hell, Sansa? Way to let us all down. Here I am rooting for you to become a leader in your own right and you want to a) ignore what the current leader said and b) put some little emo kid in charge even though he - unlike you -  has no experience in doing so?
She may have her concerns about Jon's leadership but I thought she was past that whole 'bastard' thing. We looked past your ginger ass not having a soul - fair's fair!

I get that Bran has changed over the seasons but he hasn't seen his sister since what, season one? I've seen more emotion in a block of wood that's covered in ice! Screw this guy.
"Oh it's too hard to explain what I am so I'll just sit here being enigmatic and totally emo. By the way, I totally watched your brutal rape but found the weather outside more interesting."

Definitely screw this guy! Especially when he pretty much was catalyst to all the death and other nonsense going on in this show. He never listened to anyone - his mother about climbing places, the other raven about not doing mystical shit without him. What happened? Well first of all dramas with the incest twins and before you know it you're leading the gosh darned Night King in and killing/destroying Hodor!

You don't get to act all above it now, you smug butthole!

Something else that bothered me was Cersei only wanting to get down with her brother after all this violence and death. She's friggin' getting off on rising above everyone else's ashes. He says no, she doesn't care and does it anyway. He doesn't want everyone to know they're boning - she doesn't care.
And does it anyway.

Yeah... as much as I want females to kick booty in this show... I don't want Cersei in charge.

As her brother tells Captain Euron Sparrow - the same crowd cheering now is the same crowd that was booing and throwing shit at Cersei in an earlier season. Crowds are fickle - much like the rulers.

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