Tuesday 8 August 2017

Game of Thrones S7 Ep4

In contrast to last episode, this one seemed like it was all battlefield drama. In reality, the fight only took about ten minutes but it felt longer.

It was also the shortest episode this season. Which confuses me. How can one episode not be the same length as the rest? Finales are usually longer but we're only at episode four!

So far I've been enjoying this season even though every episode is a painful reminder that I've forgotten some bit character or a minor plot set-up from a previous season.

I've also forgotten most of the non-main character's names.

In my defence, a lot of them do have silly fantasy names and a lot of them do sound a lot.

As always... spoilers.

Monday 7 August 2017

Tokyo Mew Mew is pretty painful

Today I want to have a rant about Tokyo Mew Mew.

It's fluff in the way that you can watch it and it's probably fine if you don't think about it.
This is what folks said about things like Twilight and Suicide Squad and they were both freaking terrible!

Well this is the anime example of that. Y'all remember Sailor Moon? (the sub, not the dub)
This show manages to steal several tropes from that show (and the magical girl genre as a whole) and condenses it into one season while dumbing it down sufficiently so if you struggle to remember who's who in any other magical girl series - this one'll suit you fine.

The premise is about a bunch of girls who are chosen at random by two older guys.. (no, it's not hentai - but only just.) to be the recipients of a scientific laser that mutates them with the genes of almost extinct animals. But only the attractive parts! You know, like cute cat ears and tails, not claws or noses or anything useful like that.

Fortunately each girl has their own colour scheme, so they don't have to have a gladiator style elimination process. They also get a schnazzy new costume, a gadget and a transformation device that they have to kiss and yell a made up phrase at for it to work.
Because SCIENCE.

Ignoring child labour laws, the older guys make the young girls work like colour co-ordinated slaves in a fetish cafe because it's their base of operations... which makes like no sense because they're always too busy to talk shop (it's pretty much just a guise to put them in another 'cute' outfit) and the Cafe wouldn't be open during the week because all the staff are at school.
Besides... the name of the cafe is Cafe Mew Mew. This wouldn't arouse suspicions when the girls are later outed as the Mew Mews?

Does it make it less suspicious that they're all Mew Mew Ichigo etc when there can't be that many people in Tokyo with fruit/food based names? Surely?

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Australian Ninja Warrior

Today I want to talk about Australian Ninja Warrior.

Yep, we finally got a version of the classic and inspiring show that we see overseas.

What a load of bollocks the show was. Don't get me wrong - the competitors were all ace and a lot of them were amazing. I'm talking about the show itself.

My first complaint was with the way they would amp up certain contestants - it was like something you'd see in a talent show or Australian Idol. It's all why we should give a rat's ass about this person and what personal struggle they're overcoming.

This is not a bad idea because a lot of the contestants we saw had overcome some serious obstacles like injuries, abuse, death, stereotypes or being differently abled. So we'd get five or so minutes with this person's life story only to see them get knocked out on the FIRST FREAKING OBSTACLE. Then we have an ad break, and come back to be told that in that short space of time at least three other competitors have also failed but we aren't supposed to care enough about them to actually see them on screen.

There's also a lot of theming going on.. which sort of stinks like the ninja's are either in it for the marketability or else the producers are forcing this onto them. Again - we're here to see your skills not to watch the gimmick you're wearing. It's not a superhero comic!

Now this, though....

Game of Thrones S7 Ep 3

H'okay. Time to join the ranks of people reacting to Game of Thrones, whose numbers by now must surely outweigh the ranks of the Unsullied, the White Walkers and Dothraki combined.

My husband asked me to re-watch the previous season before this season started and we never got around to it. Yeah, there are some things I don't remember as well and I probably could have stood to watch it again but it's not the kind of television that I CAN go back and re-watch.

Yes, it's entertaining. Yes, it's enthralling. No, it's not something I can put myself through again time after time. I usually am the kind of person that can comfortably sit down and watch my favourite shows over and over until I can recite them verbatim but most of my favourite shows don't leave me exhausted and deprived of a soul.

So what happened in this episode? I warn you about reading on if you have yet to watch it..