Friday 8 September 2017

What's with the Pauls?

Once upon a time there was a social platform called Vine where you could make short videos to share to your followers or the world at large. Key word - short. We're talking a couple of seconds here.

There are some EXCELLENT Viners - Thomas Sanders for example is just amazing and everyone should obsessively watch him at all times. Well, no, the dude deserves his time off let's not go nuts.
Point is - he was charming, funny, and obviously put a lot of effort into his short skits, even the ones that were obviously not very expensive to do.

This platform also gave rise to two brothers by the name of Paul. Again - usually quite funny and agreeable in small doses.

However - Vine somehow died in this world that seemingly favours short and brief interactions that can be used to glorify yourself and reach a wide audience such as what Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram can provide.

Thus, many Viners were left socially homeless and made the transition to other mediums like YouTube. Well, if you're lucky. Otherwise sometimes they somehow get a lot more attention than they deserve. 

Logan Paul and his brother Jake Paul are two examples of this. They are EVERYWHERE. They are on TV shows. They are making music videos (in the loosest sense possible), they are teaming up with other Viners or YouTubers that no one particularly cares about and they keep getting into the news either for their terrible behaviour, terrible music or the forced drama shoved down our throats with their ridiculous reaction/retort videos.

Sweet mercy, why is this? Who.. apart from the brothers themselves.. actually care about this?

Disney child stars have a way of being forced into our way of life - but in this technological day and age it's never been more infuriating. Now everything is documented.
Before it was Britney and Christina are in the Mickey Mouse club.

Before that, they at least attending singing or dancing lessons and were trying to be famous. Afterwards, they may have dabbled in movies or something like that, but the main focus was their music.

Now at the risk of sounding like an old codger - we have people getting famous without really trying. Yet they don't actually deserve it. People are being foisted into triple threat roles.. without actually being a threat to anyone (apart from taking jobs from other, more deserving people) because there's no talent behind them.

Jake Paul - the younger and more messed up brother is pretty much Justin Bieber. Yep. Remember when he was found via social media, given some shitty songs to sing, then had a tweenage breakdown being a little bitch to all of his neighbours and anyone who tried to impose the rules that the rest of us have to live by?

Well, that's what little Jakey is doing too.

Got fired from Disney, made some terrible, terrible songs and all of his neighbours hate him.
Who's the real villains? He's only making videos for kids, guys! And you know.. almost spreading fire to his neighbour's houses, almost killing them via smoke inhalation...

We thought Bieber's 'Baby' was the worst thing on YouTube? Not when 'It's everyday bro' came into existence.

I mean shit, he wrote 'England is my city' as a verse for his British friend. This alone proves there was no proof reading going on by anyone. In his defence, he was confused because there is a city called England somewhere in America.. but he failed to recognise that his friend is not American. This friend even went along with it for some unknown reason, and is now being lampooned constantly for his stupidity.

The worst part is that deep down, we all know it's fake drama.

I mean seriously? I don't actually follow the saga and have had to rely on various thumbnails, reactions/roasts from MusicVideoSins and Bart Baker and for this blog I looked up a special website called Who are "Team 10" and what is their basic drama all about? to try to understand it but I still have no friggin' idea why I'm supposed to care about any of this or who more than half of the people involved are.

Jake and Logan 'warring' only brings more views for each of them. As if this wasn't a pre-programmed drama. Look at the people in the various groups. Do you know them? Nope.

Ya know why?

They're either Viner/Youtubers clinging to their last dregs of stardom or clutching each respective brother's coat tails to retain some cred. They are all hangers on. Everyone we see here has a very tenuous claim to fame, which is probably why they all have to live together to afford their houses.

Can you imagine living in a house that drama filled and full of cameras? Oh yeah.. it's called Big Brother and it's been done to death already!

Seriously though, it's all so fake and manufactured. Oh, we haven't heard from whatserface from Vine for a while? Oh look, she's suddenly involved in a romantic scandal! *clickbait* - fuck off.

The only good things to come out of the cyclone of shit is the PewDiePie reaction, Bart Baker's parody and his 'Tessa Brooks'* reaction to his own parody. 

*I still don't know or care who Tessa Brooks is, but Alex is ace!

In summary - going back to The Simpsons and their timeless logic and catchy songs..

Just don't look. 

Don't subscribe, don't click on click bait, every time their name come up in conversation - pretend you're temporarily deaf! If they come up on the news, change the channel! Hit them where it hurts - their bottom dollar and their view counts.

These guys got famous for being funny but are now famous for being whiney little bastards.
We deserve better. YouTube deserves better.

We have enough fame whores with the Kartrashians... we do not need any more.
Up your games, Pauls, or down with your careers!

Side note - I saw a screen cap of 'It's Everyday Bro' and almost had a heart attack because some little wannabe in there looked a lot like Thomas Sanders and I just could not bear it but it's okay! 
Thomas Sander's career is alive and doing well, he is not tarnished by association and he is still talented. It's okay. 


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