Friday 8 September 2017

Digimon Tri - Part Two Ketsui/Determination Ep 2

This time round, we're focusing on Mimi and Joe. 
Here's Mimi, the only volunteer in this classroom full of assholes for a school fete and everyone mumble-knocks or pooh-poohs her suggestion... but not directly to her. No one else offers a suggestion, no one offers to put it to a vote, they just go with it but are secretly angry at her. 

Mimi! How dare you be so pro-active that you help your school! 
Don't you know that this particular section of Japan depends on everyone being so meek and mild that it's a wonder anyone gets anything done??

Oh cool, a mini ninja and geisha? Must be a Tuesday!
 This is the best way to go incognito apparently.

Yeah, it's cute, but I mean, really?

Are Japanese people just too polite to question these things or what?
Ooh, fireworks! Oh wait, wait, no that's not right. 

Mimi arranged for these two guys to meet them at a cafe for chips. What, no take away or nearby monitor to emerge from? Ah well, it's just as well because there's another distortion and the group has to run to the scene.

Now let's have a moment of silence for the most intense goggle-off this side of 02.

Phew, I may need a moment to recover from that, and also from Matt and Tai carpooling on a moped, yes, yes, the constant angst but let's be real, athletic as he is, Tai could pedal his own bike faster than Matt's hipster moped. It's just the angsti-est spooning I've seen in a long time. 

  Meanwhile, Mimi, Palmon, Mei and      Meicoomon arrive at the park first and  encounter Ogremon. They realise he's infected  but agree to try not to hurt him but push him  back through the distortion and hopefully get  the nearby news copter to get the good side of
 the Digimons too. 

 Mimi calls Koushiro who tells her to hang tight because the others will be there soon.

This pisses me off. If it was Tai or Matt, they would be jumping into the ring, no one would tell them to wait.

Sure, they're the heavy hitters but so what? There are two people here with Digimon.

One doesn't seem to have any experience in battle but hell, neither did any of them initially and they turned out fine! At the very least, Palmon can digivolve to Ultimate and take out one Digimon.
Naturally, Mimi is riled at this - as well she should be.

How many times does someone have to help save the world before everyone else acknowledges she's not there to look pretty and be saved all the time?

Look, she's even got the patented Pokemon battle stance down pat!

Look at this sweet face, filled with disdain for your general existence.

This Mimi is not interested in your dub-notions of cheer-leading camp. No.

She is here to destroy you entirely!

By comparison, here's Joe who decides to not help because he's trying to get his life in order. This is not to belittle Joe's struggle but Mimi is also juggling several balls and she does not hesitate to join the fight to save her city, nay the world, nay, the Digi-world!

The others arrive at the park but can't get through the crowd watching Togemon unleash some glorious whoop-ass.

 Look where your angst got you Matt and Taichi! Late! Late to a spectacular fight scene! I hope you're happy! Although if you're  happy then I won't get to make fun of your angst so..

Great. Now I'm conflicted. Thanks a lot.. let's just get back to the show.

Again... the scenery is gorgeous. Digimon Tri is just really taking it's new budget and running wild with it.

It really is enjoyable to watch.

Now as much as I love Digimon, it does get rather stale at times with it's constant male goggled protagonist and somewhat limited or reduced female roles.

Again, Mimi is basically put on trial and blasted for daring to get into a battle without someone else holding her hand. You know, I'd probably understand more if this was Digimon Adventure Mimi when she was younger and devastated by fighting but it's not. She's completely gung ho about what needs to be done and considering the whole depression Tai had about how screwed they are if they do fight or if they don't.. I have to ask why Mimi is being treated as almost more of a villain than Tai has been.

  •  Koushiro texts the group to say an infected digimon has appeared. 
  • Mimi and Mei head off to the location as it's near to them. 
  • Tai is racing there as well, Koushiro tells him that Agumon is ready
  • Koushiro tells Joe that Mimi, Mei and Tai are on their way - No go for Joe
  • Mimi and Mei arrive first and hear a loud noise
  • Matt and Tai share an angsty bike ride
  • Mimi and Mei see Ogremon, he attacks them
  • Mimi drags Mei to safety because she's useless
  • Koushiro calls Mimi and tells her to do nothing because the others are coming
  • Mimi unleashes her plan to push Ogremon back into the distortion/clear good Digimon names
  • Gomamon shows amazing skill in using a mobile phone
  • Togemon unleashes whoop ass
  • News Helicopter decides to get right up in Togemon's needle spray grill - calamity ensues 
  • Ogremon gets the upper hand due to said calamities
  • Meicoomon uses fiesty cat attack
  • Leomon uses last moment attack-attack
  • Cut to Mei apologising and everyone saying it's not your fault
  • Koushiro gets angry because he told Mimi to stay put and his boner wants to protect her
  • Koushiro uses famous last words: "You have an egocentric side"
  • Sora calls out Koushiro and tries to console Mimi but she's had enough and leaves.

Ya see what I mean? If Koushiro was in the same situation and knowing he had to try to stop Ogremon, I'm sure he would. No one would say he was self centred. So why is Mimi being called that for trying to stop a rampage? It's all well and good that the rest were coming - not that any of them had the hindsight to try to sneak around the yellow police tape like Mimi did - by the time they got there it could have been too late. Then what?

Now the group has ostracised Mimi, Matt turns his attentions to dissing Joe but Tai tells him to lay off. Back at home, Joe realises that they're all probably bitching about him but that someone would take his side and then there'd be a bitter group battle. He even hears his parents talking shit about his grades. Yikes.

Leomon just walks into Koushiro's office because he can, apparently. They discuss infectious digimon and distortions. The digimon hear about infections and freak out, discussing important preventative measures such as bug repellent and sun block.

Hackmon shows up to be spooky and then leaves ominously because he's a dick.

At school the next day, Mimi hears a bunch of bitches talking smack about her and glares at them. They freeze, and she tells them to say their drama to her face.

Meanwhile, Sora runs to Mei's rescue because she tripped or fell or something.. We don't actually see why but she's clearly a freakin' klutz of epic proportions.
Sora asks where Mimi is, so she's not entirely liable if Mei friggin' offs herself with basic fabric cutting implements.

Mimi as it happens, is being harassed by yet more bitches.

Can we just talk about how there is a girl with purple Sora hair?
They're angry about the outfit Mimi designed and just told them to wear it. Instead of coming up with an alternative that suits everybody, they just tell her they won't stand for it! And won't someone pleeease think of the children! They call her jikochu... self centered and annoying. They're even annoyed this needed translating for her.

Again, this could have all been solved with a quick chat to her about what they're comfortable with, or hell, making their own suggestions when the ENTIRE CLASS WAS ASKED WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO. These girls have had all of ten seconds of screen time and I'm totally finding them self-centred and annoying!

Sora does more of the sewing work so that Mei won't loose an arm or a leg and they're both surprised when Mimi angrily tells them that the project is off. Oh, did something happen? No, I just like to stomp and yell and stop my beloved projects because EVERYTHING IS JUUUST PEACHY!

At least Mimi gets some beautiful scenery to walk sadly past. She even sees Joe. 


Mimi asks Joe if he thinks she's self centred and annoying noting that he doesn't refute it. True, but she also gave him all of two seconds to react. Mimi concedes she's not seeing those around her and it makes everyone else feel bad, in turn making her feel crappy. 

Joe consoles her somewhat, saying at least she's doing something while he is a coward. Kari sneaks in to get a better ear for gossip.

Joe raises some good questions.. how long must they be the DigiDestined? 
He's the one thinking of this because as the oldest and the one entering adulthood it affects him more with juggling his future and trying to make sense of his present. 

This has really gotten to him. Mimi and Kari look depressed too. Well, that's what you get for eavesdropping in the rain Kari. Seriously, why was she even there? Then to kick you when you're down, we get extended shots of Mimi and Joe standing alone, despondent, in the rain.

If it rained any more emotions, it'd be an eighties music video all up in here!

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