Sunday 1 July 2018

Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom Theories and Thoughts

Alright, obviously if you haven't seen the movie then don't read this because there's probably spoilers and also you're more likely to be eaten by an enraged dinosaur than anyone else in the room.

"Hey... I heard you were looking for spoilers....."

Great, moving on!

My husband is an avid Jurassic Park fan and he would avoid watching the trailers leading up to the release of the movie - and I joined him in this. Therefore, we didn't know much about it apart from Claire inevitably asking Owen about the first time he ever saw a dinosaur.

That said, we loved the movie. But there were a few things I had thoughts about and wanted to discuss.

The opening scenes

We're told this six months after Jurassic World suffered some technical difficulties - a mercenary team infiltrates the park to obtain a sample of the Indominus Rex's skeleton.. but it doesn't seem like any precautions were taken like oh, I dunno, checking if the dinosaurs actually did pass away like they assumed?

Mill's team is completely surprised and then decimated by the creatures and this allows a certain Mosasaurus to mosa-saunter out of containment into the real world. Mill's supervisors whistle an innocent tune while they turn their backs and inch away from that PR disaster.  It's fine, I'm sure no one will notice a giant monster in the oceans for three years or so. What? They didn't? Oh cool.

Maisie Lockwood and the Indoraptor

Now if you didn't figure it out already before they just announced it at the end.. Maisie is a clone. Of Lockwood's (a formerly unseen partner of Hammond) daughter (also unseen and revealed to have passed away in a car accident at some undisclosed age.) Initially, I was racking my brains in this film going who the hell was this daughter? Did I forget some minor character from the original sequels?

Now, during the movie but before the reveal - we see a few weird things.

This almost tender reach out from the Indoraptor (unseen by Maisie) was one of them. At first I thought it was a movie suspense-scare tactic but then later on we get it again in her bedroom.

If you're gonna hide here, at least cover your head!

We'd just seen the Indoraptor annihilate a bunch of randoms but here, with Maisie it's really different. Like he's curious and isn't wanting to actually kill Maisie.

Even here... surely the Indoraptor can smell them? The prototype that's meant to be the ultimate hunter? Sure it created a dramatic, tense scene reminiscent of the one time raptors were stalking the kids in the kitchen back in the original...but what if instead of just the theatrical stalking aspect, the Indoraptor is literally stalking just Maisie?

Our first look at Maisie is a kid running around pretending to be a dinosaur.. but come on, what kid never did that? She lives in a dinosaur museum, that's her life anyway! They keep showing us her eyes close up - like they do with the dinosaurs - and later on she hears Wu and Mills talking about how they need Blue because the Indoraptor needs a 'mother' to learn from.

Even later in the film, Mills hisses that the heroes don't know what Maisie is. Was he definitely needing Blue or was it Maisie who is meant to be the parent stand in? I mean, they want Blue's empathetic DNA but it's not her DNA... it was her bond with Owen.

We know they were monitoring Owen's raptor training closely and trying to replicate that. We know in the previous movie that the Indominous Rex - being part Raptor - was able to communicate and even lead the Raptors.

Does Maisie have some sort of dino-connection, no matter how small?
I mean, sure she's a ground breaking human clone but no one else really knew it. If Mills didn't want her around, he could have left her with Iris (or, you know, not killed her "grandfather") but he insisted that Maisie stay with him.

When Blue first meets the Indoraptor - she goes to take it out as an enemy, not mother the monster.

IMDB has notes about the Indominous Rex being an uncaring sociopath, killing because she's frustrated and has had no socialisation... everything else is either targets or tools whilst in comparison the Indoraptor is a sadist who enjoys others misery and likes to manipulate them. Also a theory that being a prototype, the Indoraptor may be mentally unstable or quite ill.

Plus if you've succeeded at making both human clones, dinosaur clones and dinosaur hybrids.. your end goal being weaponised, trainable beasts... isn't the next logical step to blend human and dinosaur DNA?

What is it about dinosaurs that make everyone so stupid?

Okay, look. There were people hiding in the corners of a broken elevator. Not the best plan, but they had an inkling of something going there. Then Eversol runs over, and shoves a lady out of the corner into the middle of the (rather large) elevator. She sees the Indoraptor and screams.
What's wrong here?

Firstly, we get that Eversol was trying to fix the elevator function but he could have pushed the lady behind him or across the other side where there was plenty of room. Having her just sit in the open like that risks all their lives.
Second.. why the hell did she scream? Yeah, it's scary. But she's seen the Indoraptor before and knows she's hiding from it, quietly. That's the point of being in the elevator. Indoraptor wasn't even looking in their general direction when she screamed. Of course, then it comes over because that's a sure fire way to say "Hey, packed lunch!"

Another thing: did no one in this movie hear about the events of Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World? Remember when that T-rex was running amok in San Diego? Why the flip would they want to bring dinosaurs mainland? For that matter: I get that they're bad guys and morally corrupt but you'd think they wouldn't be so blase about buying and selling dinosaurs.

Even if they're only bidding to keep their competitors hands off the Indoraptor for example.. what do they think is gonna happen? They gonna keep it for a pet? Their respective countries won't notice a huge dinosaur running around?

Then, Maisie feels sympathy for the dying dinosaurs and frees them because they're being like her. It was a really good moral dilemma, save the dinosaurs by releasing them into our world or do nothing and let them die - despite the fact that the heroes have spent the majority of the movie trying to save them from volcano-extinction. Maisie kinda ticked me off for this. It's like.. *you* just spent a great deal of your time in the movie running from a predator but you're cool with releasing another few into the general populace? Any deaths from that are on your head you little punk!

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