Tuesday 6 June 2017

Digimon Tri - Soushitsu/Loss ep2

The episode starts with a little recap of How I met your mother.. I mean, How my Digimon got so fat during a food coma that it digivolved.

The rookie Digimon seem more like their old selves with a touch of bemusement about what they are now.

Yeah Matt, stop creeping already!
"Patamon!" Yells Takeru with glee.
"Oh, so I'm called Patamon am I?" he replies.

Well.. normally you'd call it out yourself but sure, we'll exposition you out of nostalgia, I guess.

Lazy ass Digmon, eating all the food, forgetting their names and stuff.

How cute is Biyomon here?

Like their first taste of illicit drugs, the Digimon decide they like being big and want MORE of a hit, they need to get bigger.

There's still some forced drama with Biyomon and Sora. Again, no one else cares. No wonder she had that issue with her love crest back in season one.

"Eff this noise, I'm out!"

Meanwhile, Meicoomon who we last saw fleeing into the jungle and vaulting into a convenient distortion is now back in front of the kids (although they're not stupid enough to get back in that trolley car so they don't know) and is about to have a sook so fierce that she briefly becomes Satan.

I've never understood why Nyaromon digivolves cat-dog-cat..

But damnit this is adorable. 

Tai comes back to to camp after seeing what set off Satan's power grid and the group discuss Mei.

TK - who every time they show him as a 'gentleman' with manners, just comes off as an extremely old fashioned 'protect all the girls at all time' dickhead makes a comment that it would be 'too harsh for a normal girl here' which thankfully Mimi calls him out on.

This is great because it was pretty harsh on a dopey kid like you back in the day, you bawling idiot.

Anyway, once Kari picks up on TK's protection boner for Mei and starts teasing him, we get this hilarious exchange:

Hilarious, but also all kinds of awkward. Sora gets up and leaves for the good old fashioned 'we need firewood' excuse. Again, no one seems to care at all because literally everyone is asleep in the next second and Sora's still out there in the woods, moping hard.

Luckily, her two boyfriends realise and try to cheer her up. I say try, because it's more about what sort of comedic faces and stupid things they get to say, instead of actually helping Sora.

Women, amirite?

If only there was some freakin' obvious way to know why she's so upset. HMM.

She's upset because she has no eyes, you morons!

 Thankfully, Agumon chooses this time to be a perfect distraction.

Also, what the heck? He was literally sleeping in a pile of 'mons in the clearing back there.
Way to sleep-fail.

Tai leaps into the water (which seems to have slowed down a lot since they first saw Agumon coast by) to save him and they share a mutual laugh about what a fat bastard he is.

Sora's sick of this shit and makes like a leaf.
Matt glares at Tai, and follows her. Tai makes like an idiot and tells Agumon to make his own way back to camp. This guy couldn't even SLEEP without screwing it up, I don't like his chances!

Tai and Matt creep on Sora in the forest.

Tai is miffed about Matt's stink eye and asks what he did wrong. Matt spouts some bullcrap about 'reading the situation' before realising he doesn't know anything either and has no idea what to do.
Okay, this gave me a genuine laugh.

Tai, upon hearing why Sora's so upset, makes an observation that she solves her own problems and instead of realising how much Tai notices about her and knows what she's capable of, she chooses to get upset because he said something similar to what Biyomon said earlier.. you know, when Tai wasn't there at all?

No time to get to the root of the issue though!

Here's Meicoomon running past like a little bastard, and starting another best reaction competition.

Remember this guy? Apparently he sleeps under the forest now.. instead of like.. in his factory?

Welp, that's it guys. Sora can't defend herself at all now apparently and handles like limp spaghetti.

The Digmon are like 'screw these guys, let's save our own skin' and Hikari's like 'not without my brother!' Joe sits on his fence post and says 'I'm sure Tai and them.. or whoever are fine. Yeah. Sure as I don't know their names. That's right.'

They try to get their Digimon to evolve instead.

Tentomon is as sassy as ever when anyone sticks a Digivice in his grill.

Don't worry, everyone gets their own reaction shot and a time to grunt and moan.

Oh no, someone's lost a bottle cap!

Meanwhile, in the real world there's some old school 'hacking' going on, and then some old school flashbacking. Himekawa is obsessed with rebooting to find her old Digimon partner but Nishijima is all like forget your sacrificed buddy, I could totally sex you up instead.

Yeah Himekawa, get your priorities straight and focus on the important boners things.

He then meets Hackmon who was totally creeping on him in the dark classroom.

Sora ends up in the desert from S01 Ep04 where Biyomon digivolved to save the Yokomon village and starts to chase Biyomon. Biyomon's reasonably like 'Lady, I don't know you, you're a liar who is afraid to be alone!' and is then surprised when Sora starts crying.

Not as surprised as me though when the very next jump cut has Biyomon on the ground looking over a flat on her ass Mei. Did I miss something or did the animators wig out?

Tai is with Gabumon in the forest, and Salamon comes out to get help for Hikari.

The bromance between Gabumon and Matt deepens
Joe has Patamon and Palmon, on the cliff where he fought Unimon. Mimi has Tentomon, and is at the Shogunmon's palace. TK is back at the baby ranch with only Elecmon and a broken ankle for company. How did you break your ankle? Isn't the baby village pretty much a bouncy castle?

Matt has Izzy, Gomamon and Agumon are in a sort of desert area and half of the group resort to face pulling.
There's a brief mention about how Machinedramon just up and vanished and no one cares where Meicoomon is.

This episode seemed random, and basically just a nostalgia recap.
Repeated locations, Tai and Matt running after Sora, Digmons and respective partners getting separated, old villains showing up seemingly for no reason?

Still, it's a lot more interesting than episode one of Loss - and funnier too because the only real joke in that one was Joe's girlfriend. Which isn't even a joke? Maybe briefly in episode one of Reunion but I wish they would get rid of Mei and Meicoomon and just show this girlfriend already.

I 'm like Hey, Wassup, hello!

Saw your skinny ass got dropped down to the floor!

Both your hands are basically tweezers, of course it hurts!

Look at mah mad skeeelz, I'm not even typing!

You keep using this word 'hack.' I do not think it means what you think it means

"Quick, save Sora! It's not like he's aiming at all of us!"

They don't know what this is and shoving it in their and our faces repeatedly is not helping

"Would you help me hide a body? ... it doesn't have to be in once piece.."

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