Tuesday 6 June 2017

Digimon TRI: Soushitsu/Loss Ep 3

This time open on Sora and Mei - Mei is apparently a super Girl Scout now while Sora seems to have retained none of the survival skills she gained from her previous years in the Digiworld. That's disappointing. Stop being shown up by these poncey newcomers!

The angriest food delivery system ever

Unfortunately, Mei does seem to care about Sora and Biyomon so I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of them together and talking. It's not even as though Mei herself is a bad character, but the series already has more characters than it knows what to do with and does not need another dorky nerd character with a super OP/messed up Digimon.

Turns out Gennai has sent Hackmon. Hackmon, like every male protagonist in this damn series, has to wear goggles by Digimon law. He drops the bombshell that Himekawa is in the Digimon world. Oh woah! Nishijima is so surprised that his Digimon obsessed partner who is currently missing and shown previously to be looking up locations of Digimons in the Digiworld has found more to life than just boning his dorky ass. WHAT A TWIST!

There's also a dire warning about something or other and calling Meicoomon the 'Libra' which just sounds stupid. Look, my star sign is Libra, which is an awesome sign but the sub makes it sound like they're just going with random English words to sound cool.

Mimi and Tentomon reflect on how useful Koushiro would be if he was there with them.
Koushiro shows this by using his laptop to show the Digimon their  holiday photos.

The next couple of minutes are just still shots of Koushiro's family album, Matt grumping off, Palmon making an awesome homage to Mimi, Tai strutting his stuff with Gabumon, Hikari just being Hikari and Sora crying into her knees while Biyomon favours Mei right in front of her. Because, of course. TK gets his own little scene though, which is nice.
Meicoomon wanders the desert crying out 'Mei' like a broken Pokemon.

Even Gomamon wants to ask Joe about his girlfriend. Geez, what does this show have against Joe's happiness or his private life? Agumon tries to determine if Matt hates Tai. Matt confirms he doesn't hate him but expects too much of Tai.
Then they spend a few moments staring at a train bearing down on them.

The boys save the Digimon, calling them stupid when they actually made no effort to move their own bodies from the railway tracks until the absolute last second.

Meanwhile Tai flat out ignores Gabumon's request to look for the others and asks what they are to the Digimon now. He's distraught that he couldn't evolve Agumon. Hikari has other thoughts.. she doesn't think everything about the reboot is bad. After all, Salamon is much happier now.
Let's not forget that Hikari wasn't with the chosen children initially, Salamon was lost and tortured by Voldemort Myotismon.

I thought Gatomon was my favourite but damn Salamon! You're cute!!

Sora talks about wanting to be recognised even though she knows Biyomon doesn't remember her.
Mei tells her it'll be fine, and to prove it here comes her Digimon.
Which is lighting up ominously and attacking her.

Biyomon appears by Sora's side even though we just saw Biyomon drinking by the lake and she was clearly not present when Sora was having her heart to heart chat with Mei.

Meicoomon attacks as Sora approaches but psyche! She's actually just aiming at the Digimon Emperor Ken Ichijouji. Who has just appeared out of nowhere along with Machinedramon. At least Sora acknowledges who Ken is.
Meicoomon draws off the fire and Sora runs off to help. Convenient distortions show her team mates where to find her.

We get our first glimpse of Himekawa, who is either drunk or tired and is definitely stupid wearing a business suit into the Digiworld.

Ken is about to take Meicoomon but Sora appears and throws rock at him.

Ken then jumps the large gap between them and punches Sora in the face with a Digimon.
What the hell? Things start to get creepy when he pins her on the ground and doesn't let her up, groping around to find her digivice. He then reveals that 'Ken' is basically just an avatar and shows his true self: Gennai.

I made this face too

He then licks Sora because why not.. apparently..?

Gennai tells Sora that he's not the Gennai she knows and has been in touch with Himekawa (insert evil laugh too)

Biyomon appears to save Sora but gets her ass kicked. Sora shoves off Pedo-Gennai and abandons Meicoomon to go to Biyomon. Pedo-Gennai prepares to run for it, even though he's not really facing any actual threat from these guys. He gets Machinedramon to fire his lasers and Sora wisely uses Biyomon as a shield.

Everyone else appears to conveniently save Sora's ass. Mei was standing awfully close to Pedo-Gennai for my taste.

 Would Gabumon's attack really have the strength to knock away an Ultimate's attack though?
I'm not sure why Agumon is eating Tai's arm

As always, Mimi makes the best entrances. 
The gang queries Gennai's identity and motivation. Gennai blames Yggdrasil and then makes this absurd statement while literally riding a Digimon and using it for his own purposes in their world:

I mean, what? Seriously?
This is on par with 'I hate serial killers so I will start serially killing them' mentality.

This is the cutest little dog ever, even if it is using Yap Attack and ridiculously attacking a Digimon ten times it's strength while everyone else cowers. Good work guys!

Everyone else comes to their senses, and freakin' run away like the wind!

They come across a cruise liner... because.. well it's just there alright and they decide the best thing to do instead of keep on running is wait around and try to start the engines up.
Predictably, they're found and attacked and suspect the ship could be sunk but they persevere.

Salamon tells Hikari that she wanted to save her because she's nice. Meicoomon tries to get Mei to leave her (after spending all this time trying to find her) for her own safety. Koushiro asks for Tentomon's assistance.
Gomamon is needlessly pointing out that they're not as match for the threat, Agumon only cares about where da food at and Biyomon is unhelpfully unconscious.

Gennai toys with the kids instead of like, actually destroying them and calls out Metalseadramon with a click of his fingers. Like, how do they even hear that?

Oh well, Metalseadramon looks awesome. Time will tell if he's as fah-laming as he was in the dubbed series.
'This new water slide sucks!'

 Yeah Koushiro, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Well he's going to show everyone else a laptop which presumably has a plan that makes sense because everyone just nods and runs off instead of picking holes in his idea.

After being told to run away by everyone else, Sora and Mei are hiding with their Digimon when Biyomon wakes up.

 She's annoyed and somewhat impressed that Sora stood up to a dangerous enemy.

Biyomon calls Sora out for what she is in this series, a huge softie.

But she says that's okay, she's kind and can provide Biyomon with the meatball sustenance she needs on a daily basis.

She calls Sora 'Sora' as well, Sora talks about it and smiles and Biyomon's like, it's your name isn't it, you idiot?

Mei looks on in shock as Sora runs off with Biyomon in tow. Does she have a plan, or is she just excercising? Stay tuned!

I'm happy that Biyomon and Sora are making up again. I watched the dub as a kid (not much choice) and while Sora was my favourite character, Dub-Biyomon made me want to flip a table and yell at the clouds.
Sub-Biyomon and Sora were one of my favourite teams and I think they work well together.

Still not sure why Gennai had to lick Sora's face? All the adventure and action sequences seemed tacked on at the end. It seemed a bit silly to have the characters all separate from each other in places that should cause memories/issues with them all but apart from getting there and getting back to each other almost inexplicably - nothing even happens with it. Shoot, TK is even running fine and not even limping or anything. Did they all just trip balls? It could explain the whole deal with the ship.

Nothing you need to worry about *whip crack*

This is the question you ask instead of 'what the heck is this doing here?''

"You sunk my battleship!"

Loving this new ultra-kick ass Mimi - Cheerleader of Destruction

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