Thursday 28 November 2013

The short and thicke of it

Time to chime in on Robin Thicke. Sorry, Robin #Thicke. Or something. I don't know. I was a lot happier before I knew that this guy was alive, or somewhere in this world.

I don't know why he has to hash tag everything. I don't know why he wants to look like a creepier version of Justin Timberlake. I don't know why he thinks he's too cool to dance. I don't know why he thinks his stupid song empowers women? Hell, I don't know why someone saw this guy and thought, my word, this man must be made into a singer because... wait for it... HE CAN'T SING.

This song is terrible and should never have been released. It bothers me, because everytime someone makes a joke about Miley Cyrus being a full blown whore after all this controversy to make her star shine brighter.. I think, well... isn't that what Thickehead is doing?

Let's see, both have famous parentage, both have songs, both keep getting in the news, both had a VMAs headline..

BUT that's where it gets funny. Personally, I'm convinced that Miley was mocking the hell out of Thickehead's video with what she was doing. No, it doesn't make it right or less creepy but I think that's what she was saying. Basically she copped all the flack and he danced away to count his rape-millions.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Walking Dead.... the Carol thing

So my partner and I watched the Walking Dead as we normally do.. this is episode four of season four.
It finished and we were both like... well, if they're gonna cut Carol out for attempting to cull a plague of sorts, why hasn't Carl been disowned for murdering a surrendering teen in cold blood?
She has to hit the road, and he gets his bleeding gun back? How?? Why???

It's not secret that I am not a fan of Carl. Stay in the house Carl. Stop leading marsh zombies to the farm, Carl. Stop being attitudey, Carl. Stop shooting innocent kids, Carl. Stop whinging about your gun Carl. Wash that damn hat once in a while, Carl. Stay in the damn house, Carl!

It's not his fault, he is the main kid for this series. He has to make all the mistakes that the adults aren't allowed to. But still, it does bother me that Carl doesn't really seem to have had any repentance for his thing and yet he's still in a fairly top dog position. Carol has copped some flack for becoming heartless, but is this something you would say about a bloke leader? Not wanting to turn this into a sexism debate but generally a man would be referred to as level headed or cool thinking.. with women it's either they're too emotional or not emotional enough and either one is as bad as the other!

With the start of the series, I got the impression that Rick was sick of being the leader and that Carol really did step up and take charge of things. Stuff.... and things.. that Rick didn't want to, or couldn't.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Remaking the classics... and why I hate upon them.

It seems like there's a lot more sampling around these days, and it bothers me even when they haven't ruined one of my favourite songs because basically... it makes everyone younger than me think that whoever sampled it... wrote the song.

Aww, hell no!

Oh wow, like, Atomic Kitten is totally so talented for writing 'the tide is high!' 

Yeah.. talented for stealing from Blondie..

Okay, that's an older example. Here's one I heard about twenty minutes ago.
Breakfast in America by Supertramp, turned into Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes.

Original name, but it just seemed like they sampled it for the hell of it rather than what the songs about. The original seemed to me like some bloke who wasn't happy with his partner and life, but by the end of the song has come around a bit into a 'don't even think about looking at her, she's mine' mentality.

Friday 30 August 2013

The People vs. Ben Affleck RE: Batman

Everyone will remember where they were the day the internet exploded due to the news that Ben Affleck will be playing Batman in the upcoming Superman team up movie.

Well, maybe not everyone. I am willing to bet that a rather large chunk will avert their eyes and mumble something about how they 'didn't think it'd be too bad' over their sweet humble pie.

Will Ben Affleck be awesome as Batman? I don't care. I'm over hearing all the super-zealous fan wanks bitching about their ideal actors and who is going to absolutely RUIN THE MOVIES FOREVER!
Because, yeah, that totally worked for Michael Keaton, Anne Hathaway, Heath Ledger, yadda yadda.